Drug monographs for approximately 21 newly approved drugs by the FDA provide you with the most current drug information.NEW! Drawing on the content of its best-selling parent reference, Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, it provides essential information on over 170 top medications commonly prescribed in acute and ambulatory care, including high-alert and emergency drugs! Product availability, quantity, selected option, and price Product Availability; Buy Now! The premier drug guide for nurses and midwives since 1983. 150 drug classifications. Includes one year of online access with WebView. Please follow the detailed, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2020 E-Book, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2021 E-Book, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2015 - E-Book, Havard's Nursing Guide to Drugs - Mobile optimised site: Edition 10, Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards - E-Book: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, Edition 4, NCLEX-RN Drug Guide: 300 Medications You Need to Know for the Exam, Cookies help us deliver our services. Over 90 full-color cartoons offer humorous and memorable presentations of key drugs.UNIQUE! Davis and Unbound Medicine covers 5000+ trade name and generic drugs. By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. Over 1,000 generic name drugs, encompassing over 4,000 trade name drugs, are organized alphabetically with A-to-Z tabs for quick and easy access.Detailed information for each drug distinguishes side effects and adverse reactions to help you identify which are most likely to occur. Nearly 300 Black Box Alerts highlight drugs found to carry a significant risk of serious or even life-threatening adverse effects. As this daviss drug guide for nurses canadian version, it ends taking place innate one of the favored book daviss drug guide for nurses canadian version collections that we have. Davis’s Drug Guide App + Web powered by Unbound Medicine provides up-to-date information on 5000+ trade name and generic drugs. (Author). Davis and Unbound Medicine covers 5000+ trade name and generic drugs. Vallerand, April Hazard (Author). $51.95 (US). UNIQUE! ( for ebook only) Frequently-used herb monographs as well as additional herb information keep you informed of commonly encountered herbs.NEW! www.DrugGuide.com . This is why you remain in the best website to look the unbelievable ebook to have. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses has 1 available editions to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace Davis and Unbound Medicine … Audio pronunciations. Written by expert nursing and pharmacy clinicians and organized alphabetically by generic drug name, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2015 provides essential information for over 1,000 generic name and 4,000 trade name drugs in one quick, convenient source. $51.95 (US). 1000+ drug monographs. Canadian Version Daviss Drug Guide For Nurses Canadian Version If you ally craving such a referred daviss drug guide for nurses canadian version book that will give you worth, get the totally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. You can read books purchased on Google Play using your computer's web browser. The 2nd Edition of these test-yourself review cards cover critical clinical information for nearly 400 of the top generic medications. The most streamlined, portable, and easy-to-use drug guide to help you pass the NCLEX-RN. Please consult the latest official manual style if … The same trusted, safe and up-to-date drug information is now accessible online via your mobile or tablet, providing the perfect support to your study or clinical practice. Instant access to all of the essential medical information you need! Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ‎ABOUT: Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses Canadian version, based on 16th print ed. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses Canadian Version CDN$ 91.47 (1) Usually ships within 2 to 3 days. Color-highlighted monographs make it easier to identify nursing priorities on common medications.UNIQUE! VALLERAND 1/E '16 / DAVIS'S DRUG GUIDE FOR NURSES CANADIAN VERSION. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses Canadian Version Paperback – June 6 2018 by April Hazard Vallerand PhD RN FAAN (Author), Cynthia A. Sanoski BS PharmD FCCP BCPS (Author) 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,573 ratings See all formats and editions In the same app by Unbound you can easily see all necessary info-it’s very organized. Now in its first digital version, Havard's Nursing Guide to Drugs, 10th edition mobile-optimised site brings over 30 years of knowledge to your fingertips, allowing you to search by body system, therapeutic class or drug name. Simply review a drug, calculate the dose and administer all in a single step without needing to switch to a separate drug dosing program.Comprehensive coverage on over 1,400 drug monographs including more than:- 5,000 trade and generic drugs as well as expanded coverage of herbal products- 150 drug classifications, both therapeutic and pharmacologic (if available)- 500 commonly used combination drugs, including the dosage amount of the active generic ingredient- Most complete life-span drug dosing considerations for adult, pediatric, and geriatric patientsCompletely updated with expanded coverage on vulnerable populations including:- New indications and dosing recommendations for top 100 pediatric drugs- Pediatric, geriatric, and OB medication administration considerations- A complete immunization schedule- Special techniques for administering medications to children- Oral rehydration solutions- Drugs and breast feeding- List of drugs associated with increased number of falls in the elderlyMore High Alert Coverage and Patient Safety Information than any other drug guide including:- Special highlights to identify High Alert Medications with high risks for patient injury and information throughout the monograph that explain what the nurse can do to ensure patient safety- "Do not confuse with" and "Do not crush, break, or chew" caution statements highlighted to support safe practice- Information on how to prevent administration errors, detect dosing and dispensing errors, and detect or prevent adverse drug reactions (ADR)s.- Explanations on how to administer medication safely by all routes – including signs and symptoms for toxicity and overdose, safe handling tips and how to educate patients for safe medication use in the homeAuthor: April Hazard Vallerand PhD, RN, FAANCynthia A. Sanoski BS, PharmD, FCCP, BCPSPublisher: F. A. Davis CompanyISBN-13: 9780803669468SPECIAL APP FEATURES:Locate a disease, symptom or medication in the fastest possible manner:- Use "Spotlight Search" from Home screen- Tap and Hold launch icon to open the Last Topic, History, Favorites- Navigate using multiple indices- History to open frequently visited pages- BookmarksNEVER FORGET ANYTHING:Mark topics with relevant information:- Rich-text notes- Voice memos- Annotations with scribble, doodle or text, Fixes related to connecting to iTunes for in-app purchases in iOS version 13.4 and above. Use this set of colorful cards to master pharmacology! Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses. FREE DIGITAL ACCESS. Only 1 left. Waste of a huge money. It makes studying pharmacology a memorable experience!UNIQUE! This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Handbook covers dosage, side effects, interactions, uses. … BONUS! Updated monographs with new interactions, precautions, alerts and patient teaching instructions boost your confidence in accuracy and help prevent medication dispensing errors.NEW! Citation. Rely on this handy reference for at-the-bedside guidance on the safe administration of medications to adult, pediatric, and geriatric patients, as well as pregnant and lactating women, and those with renal impairments. You’ll have access to over 1,100 monographs from your desktop, laptop, or any mobile device with a web browser. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781719640077, 1719640076. ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-6946-8 These durable, portable cards use mnemonics and other time-tested learning aids to help you prepare for class, clinicals, and the NCLEX® examination. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses (R) Canadian Version, Fifteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs. Davis’s Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses®, 17th Edition plus 2020 updates, delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs—along with the Canadian-specific information you want. Added 2 New Indices – BEERS, REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy).BONUS!FREE DIGITAL ACCESSOne-year subscription to Davis’s Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses® via WebView - Skyscape's online tool. Quickly find content on patient safety—with vital information on pediatric and geriatric considerations—as well as precautions for all vulnerable populations. Nursing points and cautions highlight best practice in drug administration and expanded focus on Patient teaching and advice ensures quality patient care. 415 updated Monographs.- NEW! Home Books Davis's Drug Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals. www.DrugGuide.com . Advice: buy Davi’s Drug Guide from Unbound. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781719642712, 1719642710. In this app it’s difficult to see CLASS of meds. Like the book, it always puts safety first…emphasizing the information you need to know to administer medications safely…across the lifespan. FREE DIGITAL ACCESS. The best pocket drug guide yet! 150 drug classifications. Sanoski, Cynthia A. 800 built-in dosage calculators. Canadian Version Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses(R), Fourteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs. April Hazard Vallerand, PhD, RN, FAAN Cynthia A. Sanoski, BS, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP . Audio pronunciations. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses: 9780803639768: Medicine ... Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses App + Web from F.A. Previous Chapter | Next Chapter. Redeem the access code inside to unlock your one-year, free subscription toDavis&s Drug Guide … With over 90 cartoons covering drugs and related topics, Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 4th Edition uses humor and illustrations to make studying easier and more fun. April Hazard Vallerand, PhD, RN, FAAN Cynthia A. Sanoski, BS, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP . 800 built-in dosage calculators. Canadian version, includes 5,000 trade & generic drugs. FREE DIGITAL ACCESS. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand, PhD, RN, Faan, Dr. Cynthia A Sanoski, Bs, Pharmd, Fccp, Bcps starting at $9.50. Frequently-used herb monographs and herb interactions keep you informed of the effects of commonly encountered herbs.Classifications section features an overview of actions and uses for drug families.Top 100 Drugs list helps you easily identify the most frequently administered drugs.Nursing implications are organized in a functional nursing process framework and include headings for Baseline Assessment, Intervention/Evaluation, and Patient/Family Teaching.Information on lifespan and disorder-related dosage variations equips you with special considerations for pediatric, geriatric, hepatic, and immune-or renal-compromised patients.Extensively expanded IV content features a heading for IV compatibilities and expanded rates of infusion, reconstitutions, drip rates, test doses, flushing, and incompatibilities.Fixed combinations are included in dosages of each combined drug directly within the individual monographs to help you understand different drug dose options for specific diseases.Cross-references to the 400 top U.S. brand-name drugs are located directly in the main section of the book for easier accessibility.Customizable and printable monographs for 100 of the most commonly used drugs and quarterly drug updates are located on the free Evolve companion site.Therapeutic and toxic blood level information shows students the patient implications for drug administration.Comprehensive IV Compatibility Chart foldout arms you with compatibility information for 65 intravenous drugs.Newly approved drugs are listed in the front of the book for quick and easy access to this timely information.Highlights the features of a sample drug monograph with callouts to help you understand how to use the book more efficiently. Quantity Selected Option Price; qty: Davis's Drug Guide For Nurses Canadian Version: enlarge image. Includes App for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphone + tablet. 5,000 trade & generic drugs. 1000+ drug monographs.Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen).SAFETY FIRST!Davis’s Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses®, delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs—along with the Canadian-specific information you want.NEW IN THIS UPDATE:- NEW! Product Description . It continues to deliver administration information regarding form, action, use, dose, adverse effects and interactions in compliance with current pharmaceutical guidelines from the Therapeutic Goods Administration and MIMS. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses 17th Edition by April Hazard Vallerand and Publisher F. A. Davis - Integration Titles. Our Price: $65.50. Download the FREE app and … ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4007-7 Added 22 New Monographs.- NEW! Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses has 1 available editions to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace Email; Twitter; Facebook; Linkedin; Reddit; Get Citation. Up to six family members will be able to use this app with Family Sharing enabled. Davis's Drug Guide For Nurses Canadian Version. And, you can count on them for accuracy, because each card is based on content from Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®. Requires iOS 9.0 or later. www.DrugGuide.com . Davis's Canadian drug guide for nurses, fifteenth edition. 8 brand-new cards focus on antiemetics, sunscreens, prostaglandins, acetaminophen, and more.NEW coverage highlights contemporary and timely topics on pharmacology — all in one clinical tool. Over 1,000 generic name drugs (encompassing over 4,000 trade name drugs) are organized alphabetically with A to Z tabs to make accessing important information quick and easy.Detailed information for each drug distinguishes side effects and adverse reactions to help you identify which are most likely to occur.Special text treatment for high-alert drugs that pose the greatest risk for patient harm, as well as an appendix for drug names that sound alike and look alike, help promote safe drug administration.UNIQUE! To read on e-ink devices like the Sony eReader or Barnes & Noble Nook, you'll need to download a file and transfer it to your device. NEW IN THIS UPDATE : Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Davis&s Drug Guide for Nurses ® Canadian Version, Sixteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan-well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses, Diseases and Disorders, Taber's, Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, RNotes - Nurses Clinical Pocket Guide, Medical Calculator and MedBeats. ManyBooks is one of the best resources on the web for free books in a variety of download formats. Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses App + Web from F.A. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Created by nursing educators JoAnn Zerwekh and Jo Carol Claborn, this unique tool may be used as either a spiral-bound notebook or as individual flashcards. Differences in U.S. and Canadian Pharmaceutical Practices is a topic covered in the Davis's Drug Guide.. To view the entire topic, please sign in or purchase a subscription.. Includes App for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphone + tablet. Deglin, Judith Hopfer (Author). Disclaimer: These citations have been automatically generated based on the information we have and it may not be 100% accurate. Davis Drug Guide PDF. View topics in the Canadian Index section of Davis’s Drug Guide. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE…AT A GLANCECanadian-specific content - Full monographs on drugs approved for use in Canada that are not FDA-approved for use in the US.- Additional Canadian trade names for many US-approved generic drugs; identified by a maple leaf icon.- A summary of the similarities and differences between pharmaceutical practices in the US and Canada.- Canadian Advisory Board of clinicians, educators, and students.Highlights :- Audio pronunciations for 1200+ generic drugs- Over 700 built-in drug dosing calculation tools. With comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration as well as guidance through clinical priorities in the practice setting, this resource offers the precautionary information you need to provide safer patient care.Over 1,000 generic name drugs (encompassing over 4,000 trade name drugs) organized alphabetically with A to Z tabs to make accessing important information quick and easy.Detailed drug information distinguishing side effects and adverse reactions helps you identify which are most likely to occur.Special text treatment for "High Alert" drugs that pose the greatest risk for patient harm promotes safe drug administration.Top 200 Drugs helps you identify the most frequently administered drugs.Lifespan and disorder-related dosage variations content equips you with special considerations for specific patient populations.Therapeutic and toxic blood level information shows you patient implications for drug administration.Comprehensive IV Compatibility Chart foldout arms you with compatibility information for 65 intravenous drugs.Pageburst eBook works on any mobile device giving you access to drug information from virtually anywhere.UNIQUE! Davis’s Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses®, Fourteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs—along with the Canadian-specific information you want. Highlighting of high-alert drugs helps promote safe administration of drugs that pose the greatest risk for patient harm; an appendix includes drug names that sound alike or look alike. NURSE’S MED DECK, 17th EDITION, is the card deck version of the bestselling Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®, 17th Edition. Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide - Nurses 20, Ed17. Sections; Download Chapter PDF; Share. Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses App + Web from F.A. Davis’s Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses®, Fourteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs—along with the Canadian-specific information you want. BONUS! Herbal information is included in the appendix and on the Evolve companion website, covering the interactions and effects of commonly encountered herbs.Classifications section features an overview of actions and uses for drug families.Top 100 Drugs list helps you easily identify the most frequently administered drugs.Nursing considerations are organized in a functional nursing process framework and include headings for baseline assessment, intervention/evaluation, and patient/family teaching.Information on lifespan and disorder-related dosage variations equips you with special considerations for pediatric, geriatric, hepatic, and immune- or renal-compromised patients.Extensive IV content features IV compatibilities/IV incompatibilities and breaks down key information with headings on reconstitution, rate of administration, and storage.Fixed combinations are included in dosages of each combined drug directly within the individual monographs, to help you understand different drug dose options for specific diseases.Cross-references to the 400 top U.S. brand-name drugs are located throughout the book for easy access.Customizable and printable monographs for 100 of the most commonly used drugs are located on Evolve, along with quarterly drug updates.Therapeutic and toxic blood level information promotes safe drug administration.Comprehensive IV Compatibility Chart foldout arms you with compatibility information for 65 intravenous drugs.List of newly approved drugs in the front of the book makes it easy to locate the latest drugs.Callouts in a sample drug monograph highlight key features to help you understand how to use the book more efficiently. Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses ® Canadian Version, Sixteenth Edition delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs. Oxytocin. Vallerand 1/E '16. Handbook covers dosage, side effects, interactions, uses. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand, PhD, RN, Faan, Dr. Cynthia A Sanoski, Bs, Pharmd, Fccp, Bcps starting at $9.94. BONUS! Mnemonics and other time-tested memory aids help you grasp and remember even the most complex concepts.Thick pages and a spiral-bound format create a portable tool that is durable enough for the clinical environment.Colored thumb tabs at the bottom of the page allow you to find topics quickly.What You Need to Know sections on each card cover key information in a quick and easy-to-review format.Colored highlights in the What You Need to Know sections emphasize four central topics: Serious/Life-Threatening Implications in pinkMost Frequent Side Effects are blueImportant Nursing Implications are yellowPatient Teaching information is green NEW! Full monographs on drugs approved for use in Canada that are not FDA-approved for use in the US, additional Canadian trade names for many US-approved generic drugs identified by a maple leaf icon and a summary of the similarities and differences between pharmaceutical practices in the US and Canada. 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