Entrance Information. The following documents should be presented at the time of admission: (Note: This fee structure is based on the Academic year 2076 BS. Land and Water Engineering [ CA ]      B.E. The exchange of calculators is strictly prohibited. (Civil) or equivalent Original copies of migration and certificates, if applicable. 11. Entrance examination will be of Computer Based Multiple Choice Type – of 2 hours duration consisting of two sections. Construction Management [ CA/PA ]     B.E. 17. 27. 31. 1/4th of the sponsored quota on each program has been reserved for foreign students interested to earn a master’s degree under IOE. 21. Entrance Examination (4 years) or equivalent / M.Sc. This year (2073/2017), the exam will be held from 20 to 21 Falgun 2073 (March 3-4, 2017) Intake Capacities in Master Programs Candidates failing to do so will lose the opportunity to get the admission. 2. Candidates have to bring their own calculators in the exam hall. 24. (Civil or Agriculture) or B.Arch. or M.Sc. Water Resources  Engineering  [ CA ]      B.E. Institute of Engineering (IOE) Pulchowk Campus enrolls 20 students each year in Master of Science (M.Sc) in Construction Management. Geo-Technical Engineering [ CA ]      B.E. Looking for IOE MSc Entrance Results 2069? Disaster Risk Management [ Any]         B.E. Powered By: Institute of Engineering Pulchowk, Lalitpur P.O. Section- A consists of 45 numbers of questions of 50 marks. for 3 years bachelor degree or equivalent Apart from Pulchowk Campus, there are other government engineering college as Thapathali Currently, there are three, five, and one M.Sc program in Thapathali Campus, Paschimanchal Campus, and Purwanchal Campus respectively. Geospatial Engineering [ GE ]     B.E. The nature of the entrance test will be decided by the Entrance Committee, set up by Pulchowk Campus. Courses in Sustainable Water Sanitation and Health Development from 2007 and Technology and Innovation Management from 2010. or equivalent The IOE MSC Entrance Examination will a computer-based and will be held at ICTC, IOE, Pulchowk. We have uploaded the complete IOE entrance exam syllabus with a model question and answer in this Google drive. Forestry/B.Sc. Ideally, the academic criteria hold good but clearing an entrance exam for BE/B. 23. Kaaphal (काफल) is trademark of Kaaphal Inc. One seat in the regular category and One seat in full fee category are reserved for female candidates in each program. (Electrical) or equivalent In any program, if 60% of the full fee and sponsored seats are not fulfilled within the first phase (first, second and third admission list) of the admission, that program must be suspended for that academic year by the concerned campuses and the amount paid by the candidate in the admission process must be refunded. You must have passed IOE Entrance Examination 2074 to fill up priority application form in Pulchowk Campus. Box No. Energy Efficient Buildings [ PA/CA ]       B.E. Priority for the sponsored quota will be as follows: First Priority: Candidates from government offices & Government Owned Organizations or Companies. Programs for the Academic year 2076/77. By now, Bachelor's, Master's, doctoral programs are run in Pulchowk campus, Pulchowk. 20. and Master of Science (M.Sc.) Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering Entrance Examination Board (IOE, Pulchowk Campus) has published notice for admission in Masters (MSc) Postgraduate Programmes for the academic year 2069-2070 (2012).. Civil/B.Arch. Sponsored= 8 To be eligible for the admission to the Master Program, a candidate must fulfill the program entry requirements listed as follows: SN. Electrical & Electronics/Computer) or Equivalent ... Development'- has been started at Central Campus Pulchowk. Entrance Examination will be held at ICTC, IOE, Pulchowk from 11th Falgun, 2076 onward (23rd February, 2020 onward) The category-wise current intake capacities of each Master Program and other admission details are mentioned in brochure. Box: 1175, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel. Urban Planning    [ PA/CA ]    B.Arch./B.E. It is a computer-based entrance exam in which successful candidates will be admitted to study various Masters Engineering courses at IOE constituents campuses according to the merit list of this examination. We request students to prepare hard for the examination. ), +977-1-5521531 courses in Renewable Energy Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Information and Communication and Power System Engineering effective from December 2001. (4 years) or equivalent बि‍‍‍.ई./बि.आर्क तहको सबै वर्ष तथा दोस्रो खण्डको नियमित परीक्षाको Online परीक्षा फाराम भर्ने सम्बन्धी सूचना!!! IOE ENTRANCE EXAM MODEL 2070 - COMPUTER BASED asmit bagale. Tech is also a pathway for qualifying for a seat in the engineering college. The IOE MSC Entrance Examination will a computer-based and will be held at ICTC, IOE, Pulchowk. IOE Reserved = 1 If there is no applicant in the IOE reserve quota, it is added to the Full Fee Seat. To be eligible for the IOE MSC Entrance Exam application, the candidate must have passed a Bachelor’s degree in relevant subjects with at least a second division or equivalent. Architecture [ PA ]       B.Arch. Mechanical Systems Design and Engineering [ MI ]   B.E. in any field/B.Arch. You can download Information Brochure from here. Material Science and  Engineering    [ Any ]     B. E. in any field/B.Arch. 20,650 per semester for Field Expenses. 12. Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing [ MI ]    B.E. last week of Falgun. Eligibility Criteria. This campus has also started master program in Transportation Engineering and Disaster Risk Management from the academic year 2011/12. Informatics and Intelligent Systems Engineering [ EC ]     B.E. Merit list is published after the entrance exam. Similarly, new master programs in Urban Planning 6.1K likes. This page is intended to help students who want to prepare for MSC Entrance at IOE Pulchowk Campus. Section- A consists of 45 questions for 50 marks. 30. This Brochure contains all the required information for an interested candidate to appear in the exam and finally get admitted. Pulchowk Campus, with support from the Norwegian Government, has started M.Sc. 50,000.00 for field visit and Practical Works. Bachelor Level Engineering Programs (BE/B.Arch entrance examination ) Eligibility > Students willing to join the program must pass the entrance examination conducted by the Institute of Engineering. Original and attested copies of transcripts of all academic records from SLC onwards to the latest approved degree (bachelor/ masters). (Civil or Agriculture) or equivalent Pulchowk Campus, with support from the Norwegian Government, has started M.Sc. Rock and Tunnel Engineering [ CA ]       B.E. All Eligible candidates from all over the world, aspiring to study engineering appear for this exam and only the students in merit basis get the chance to study at Pulchowk Campus. Visit the IOE official page for the full Entrance Syllabus. In 1996 Pulchowk Campus, with support from the Norwegian Government, has started M.Sc. Information & Communication Engineering [ EC ]    B.E. To be eligible for the admission to this Master Program, a candidate must have BE (Civil or Agriculture) or equivalent. Students who have obtained minimum of 45% marks or overall C grade are eligible to apply for the entrance test. 5. Science or Equivalent While Section-B consists of stream specialized course with 50 numbers of questions of 1 mark each. Courses in Urban Planning, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering. While Section-B consists of stream specialized course with 50 numbers of questions of 1 mark each. Infrastructure Engineering and Management [ CA ]      B.E. Visit IOE MSc ME Entrance Results 2069. Master of Science (MSc) Engineering by IOE, TU:. Agriculture / M. Sc. Institute of Engineering (IOE) Pulchowk Campus enrolls 20 students each year in Master of Science (M.Sc) in Water Resources Engineering. Below are the various programs offered by the IOE, Pulchowk Campus along with the allocated seats, scholarships and sponsored category. TU Registration fee Rs. 7. The candidate who is listed on the admission list of campuses should pay the required fee and complete the procedures within the time prescribed by the Admission Committee of the Campuses. (Electronics /Computer) or Equivalent Prepare digital copy (scan) of your citizenship (for Nepali applicants) or citizenship/passport (for foreign applicants). 15. Level Entrance Exam Notice: Candidates are interested in enrolling in the academic year 2076/077 on various subjects administered on the Maser Degree campuses under the Institute of Engineering Studies (IOE), through the admission test board website https://entrance.ioe.edu.np dated 2076/10/17. or equivalent from abroad) and Graduate Conference fee of Rs. खण्डगत भर्ना रोक्काको अन्तिम नामावली प्रकाशित सम्बन्धि सूचना !!! in any field Except B.Arch./B.Sc. Technology and Innovation  Management [ Any ]     B.E. Students admitted to Rock and Tunnel Engineering have to pay an additional Rs. admin@ioe.edu.np Renewable Energy Engineering [ EE/CA/MI ]      B.E. Communication and  Knowledge Engineering [ EC ]      B.E. The candidate under the sponsored category should have to pay the fee for the full course duration (two years) at the time of admission. In the program, 52 core and elective courses are offered in eight semesters. There will be a 10% negative marking for the wrong answer. (Electrical/ Civil/Agriculture, Mechanical/ Automobile/Industrial) or Equivalent The entrance exam for the undergraduate intake is one of the most competitive in the country;more than 15,000 students from all over Nepal compete for admission. In each academic year Institute of Engineering (IOE) conducts entrance examination; only those candidate who passes the entrance examination are deemed eligible for the admission. Agriculture/ B.Sc. MSC Entrance at IOE Pulchowk. (Civil) or Equivalent Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IOE), Entrance Examination Board published a notice regarding Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for M.Sc. Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering Studies, Board of Entrance Examination; M.Sc. Electrical or Equivalent Photos in DOECE Meeting: felicitate and honor Prof. Dr. Sashidhar Ram Joshi for his appointment as Dean of Institute of Engineering, and felicitating Mr. Durga Prasad Khatiwada on the occasion of his retirement Programs          [ Entrance stream ]         Prerequisite degree, 1. Every year The Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University (T.U) conducts IOE MSc Entrance Exam for both Nepali and foreign candidates. Computer based entrance exam with 10% Negative marking for each wrong answer. Energy Systems Planning and Management [ EE/CA/MI ]        B.E. Geomatics or equivalent /B.Sc. (4 From the year 2018, Bachelor's programme in Aerospace Engineering has been started at Pulchowk Campus. Regular Students =32. The exact mix of the percentage of the total aggregate of Bachelor Degree and the nature of entrance test will be made known to the prospective candidates through notification in Pulchowk Campus and/ or Public media. 4. Currently (As of 2076 BS), there is a total of 23 different M.Sc programs in Pulchowk Campus. or Equivalent 1915, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Scholarships available for Nepalese students, Read & Publish your articles on Kaaphal Articles. To be eligible for the admission to the Master Program, a candidate must have passed BE (Civil or Agriculture) or equivalent. (Civil) or equivalent IOE conducts an entrance examination for BE/B.Arch usually in the month of Shrawan each year. 16. Scholarship under the Ministry of Education, Nepal Government according to IOE MSC Entrance Exam: Regular Merit = 5 Students have to get good rank for studying mechanical engineering because it is the choice of many; the higher the rank the better it is and also the seats are very few, rank should be in few hundreds. Results Published By: Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk [Tribhuvan University] Exam: Entrance of Master of Science (MSc) Engineering Academic Year: 2012/ 2069 Incoming search terms:ioe entrance 2070 + result of pcl nursing 2012 bir hospital held on 18th October + 5000/- for all students. in Civil/ Mechanical/ Automobile/ Industrial and Agriculture Engineering or equivalent Non-programmable calculators are permitted. If applications are not received in the sponsored/foreign category, then the seat will be fulfilled as the Full Fee category. 6. (Geography) or equivalent Hydropower Engineering [ CA ]       B.E. Every year Institute of Engineering (IOE) conducts an entrance examination for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) Power System Engineering    [ EE ]     B.E. Energy for Sustainable  Social Development [ PA/CA/MI]      B.Arch./B.E. P.O. or equivalent Maintained by: Center for Information Technology, Pulchowk Campus, Applied Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering. Getting into Pulchowk Engineering college is the toughest, as the higher ranked students are more likely to choose it. (Electronics/ Computer/ Software/Information Technology) or Equivalent Computer System and  Knowledge Engineering [ EC ]      B.E. IOE began bachelor courses in engineering from 1978, master courses from 1996, doctoral program from 2003 and Post-doctoral program from 2018. From the list of successful applicants for any M. Sc. (Electronics/ Computer/ Software, Information Technology) or Equivalent years) with Major Math or Physics/ B.A. 22. 14,800/- per semester for Lab Expenses. Best Entrance Exam Preparation for Engineering. Pulchowk Campus has also started regular Ph.D. admission from academic session 2010/11 in all departments. This Brochure also contains the current intake capacity. 9. Copy of Score Card of the entrance examination. Climate Change and Development        [ Any ]        B.E in any field/B.Arch. Civil or Agriculture or equivalent Program. Earthquake Engineering    [ CA]         B.E. Recent Uploads. Courses in Sustainable Water Sanitation and Health Development from 2007 and Technology and Innovation Management from 2010. There are also scholarship opportunities for the students based on the merit list of the IOE MSC Entrance Exam allocated by the Ministry of Education, Nepal Government. For 2072/2015, the IOE Entrance exam was held on last week of September. 32. Till 1984 Pulchowk Campus was involved in producing low to middle-level engineering manpower in the field of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Architecture. 3. (Civil) or equivalent. 500.00 (Rs. Getting into Pulchowk Engineering college is the toughest, as the higher ranked students are more likely to choose it. IOE has also expanded its Master’s program in other constituent campuses since 2014 (2071 BS). This campus has also started master program in Transportation Engineering and Disaster Risk Management from the academic year 2011/12. Applied Mathematics [ CA/EE/EC/MI/ AS/GE ]   B.E. (Electrical/ Civil/ Agriculture/  Mechanical/Industrial/Automobile) or Equivalent 1.1 . Note: Online Entrance Exam Syllabus/Model Question at IOE Pulchowk From 2071, Entrance exam will be conducted in 2 part. Eligibility Criteria. 1000.00 for the students passing B.E./ B.Arch. Total Intake = 20. Mechanical/ Industrial/ Automobile or Equivalent Following the past trends, the Entrance Examination for Masters level is held at the first week of March i.e. (Civil) or equivalent 25. IOE entrance exam syllabus 2077 is shown in the picture. 26. Environmental Engineering [ CA ]     B.E. / B.Sc. Mechanical/ Automobile/ Industrial or Equivalent Each year IOE publishes an Information Brochure along with the announcement of entrance examination of that year. Visit the IOE official page for the full Entrance Syllabus. They are eligible only for the sponsored (self-sponsored) category and should be admitted as foreign students. For IOE Reserved Quota, priority will be given to permanent IOE faculty. Program, the applicant will be selected for admission on the basis of the score of the Entrance examination and his/her preferred M. Sc. 8. Students admitted to Hydropower Engineering and Land & Water Engineering have to pay an additional Rs. in any field/B.Arch. Those applicants who will be eligible for admission of IOE master’s program of the year 2017/2018 from this entrance examination will also be eligible to apply for Masters Scholarships of the year 2017/2018 as per Scholarship Bylaws to be announced by Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of Nepal. Maximum allowed file size of digital copy is 512KB. 18. Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences Nursing Programs, Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences (NAIHS) MBBS Program, Pokhara University Different MBA Programs, त्रिवि इन्जिनियरिङ्ग अध्ययन संस्थानद्वारा संचालन गरिने स्नातकोत्तर तहको प्रवेश परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण गर्ने परिक्षार्थीहरु नेपाल सरकार, शिक्षा मन्त्रालयको छात्रबृत्ती सम्वन्धी नियमावली अनुसार तोकिएको कानुनी मापदण्ड पुरा गरेमा सो मन्त्रालयद्वारा प्रदान गरिने स्नातकोत्तर तहका उच्च शिक्षाका छात्रबृत्तीहरुका लागि समेत उम्मेदवार हुन योग्य हुनेछन |. (4 years) with Major Math/M.A. programs. Courses in Sustainable Water Sanitation and Health Development from 2007 and Technology and Innovation Management from 2010. The revised syllabus, marking scheme and model question are listed below. Pulchowk campus has been offering bachelor’s degree courses in various engineering disciplines since 1984 (2041 BS). 14. This campus has also started master program in Transportation Engineering and Disaster Risk Management from the academic year 2011/12. 120 questions categorized into two groups of 1 mark and 2 marks are asked in the entrance examination which lasts 3 hour. Structural Engineering [ CA ]      B.E. (Electronics/ Computer/Software/ Information Technology) or Equivalent. Department offers Bachelor Program in Computer Engineering (96 seats) Full fee students = 64. 13. A category-wise detail of Master Programs’ intake capacity is given below in section 1.3 below. Transportation Engineering [ CA ]      B.E. Pulchowk Campus has also started M. Sc. (Civil or Agriculture) or equivalent Students admitted to Geospatial Engineering have to pay an additional Rs. Original copy of Nepali citizenship certificate, passport for foreign students. Computer Engineering Specialization in Data Science and Analytics [ EC ]     B.E. for a 3-year Bachelor’s degree, B.Sc. If there are no applicants from permanent IOE faculty, then priority will be given to faculties who have completed a minimum of 3 years as a contract faculty. Entrance Exams – a pathway to Pulchowk Campus Getting a seat into an engineering college requires students to pass through entrance exams. Pulchowk Campus Dharan Entrance Exam 2020 | Exam Schedule ... Every student must pass the entrance examination to get admission in any engineering college in Nepal. One seat is reserved for IOE faculty. The entrance examination will be of Computer Based Multiple Choice Type of 2 hours duration consisting of two sections. Old Questions Solution for IOE Entrance Exam | IOE Notes... IOE has revised its syllabus for BE entrance exam from 2066 batch. 10. 14,800/- per semester for Lab Expenses and Rs. Entrance Test. On the basis of entrance examination and NEB scores, Pulchowk selects the best for admission. (Civil) or equivalent, 19. (Electronics & Communication, 28. The entrance exam for Graduation program is generally held at the mid of October or First week of November each year. Entrance Examination Board 2017(2073) ... To be eligible for master’s entrance application, the candidate must have passed bachelor degree in relevant subjects with at least second division. (Civil) M.A. Electrical Engineering in Distributed Generation [ EE ]   B.E. Institute has also started regular Ph.D. admission from academic session 2010/11 in all departments. Full Fee = 6 5524749 Email: entrance@ioe.edu.np 29. To be eligible for the IOE MSC Entrance Exam application, the candidate must have passed a Bachelor’s degree in relevant subjects with at least a second division or equivalent. The entrance exam for the undergraduate intake is tough and more than 15,000 students from all over Nepal vie for to secure seats. Notice Regarding Academic Calendar 077/078. Fee structure and scholarship schemes are also provided in this Brochure (Information Brochure 2076). Pulchowk Campus, with support from the Norwegian Government, has started M.Sc. Agriculture/Civil or equivalent Interested students are requested to apply online from the website of Institute of Engineering. Seats, scholarships and sponsored category for 2072/2015, the entrance examination ; M.Sc in all departments %... Requirements listed as follows: First priority: candidates from Government offices & Government Owned Organizations or Companies | Notes. 2072/2015, the applicant will be decided by the IOE MSC entrance which. 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Seat will be of Computer Based entrance exam from 2066 batch, Master courses from 1996 doctoral! Lalitpur, scholarships and sponsored category of successful applicants for any M. Sc M.Sc ) in Water Resources Engineering Electrical/. 50 marks intended to help students who have obtained minimum of 45 % marks or overall C are..., IOE, Pulchowk selects the best for admission on the basis entrance! And Management [ EE/CA/MI ] B.E. good but clearing an entrance examination and NEB,... Mechanical/ Automobile/ Industrial and Agriculture Engineering or Equivalent toughest, as the Full fee students =.! Brochure 2076 ) Nepal vie for to secure seats pathway to Pulchowk.... And Land & Water Engineering have to bring their own calculators in the sponsored/foreign,! As the higher ranked students are more likely to choose it are below! Foreign students be fulfilled as the higher ranked students are more likely choose. Data Science and Engineering [ EC ] B.E. ( 2071 BS ) offered by the entrance examination Based...