28 Common Second Round Interview Questions, 11 Final Interview Questions to Prepare For, How to Answer “Are You a Leader or Follower?” (Interview Question). And if you want to really make sure you don’t forget anything essential, fill out this night-before-the-interview checklist . Am I right in thinking that your priorities for this role are to find someone who can help your customer service team and also manage some projects for your customers and clients? Interviewers like to know that you’re interested in the position and company for reasons beyond benefits and a paycheck. Just use one of the more “standard” answer formats in the examples from the previous section. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially. “Why Do You Want This Job?” Best Sample Answers Sample answer #1 for why you want this job: “I enjoy interacting with customers and my last job took me a bit away from that. Sample answer: I can’t speak for the other candidates but I know why I’d be a great fit for this job. “In my career, I am sure of one thing and that is I want to build a decent career in my current domain. Provide examples of your skills, experience and motivations. Imagine you’re interviewing for a position at Starbucks (whether it’s an in-store position or a corporate/office role). I believe my communication skills are my best asset, I thoroughly enjoy pleasing customers, and I have experience using the customer service software you have described in your job … The questions you will be asked during an interview for a job in sales, like “What makes you a good salesperson?” will be used to evaluate your skills and experience in that capacity. You’ll sound more natural if you don’t memorize word-for-word. You should show them your desire to have this job–and not a must. Demonstrate what you can contribute - i.e. Demonstrate what you can contribute - i.e. I can confidently carry out the task mentioned in your job description. Elaborate on past experiences that made you successful in your previous job and quantify them using examples. Candidates should be ready to explain why they're a good fit for the position and organization, describing specific accomplishments and distinctive characteristics that will add value to the company. Even if your interviewer doesn’t ask one of these questions in so many words, you should be prepared to tell them about yourself and communicate your top reasons for why you are the best person for this job. This is a standard question that every employer will ask the job seekers at the time of interview. You’ve told them what you’re looking for, you’ve told them why their job seems interesting, so now you just need to conclude by saying something like, “So that’s why I applied for this job – it seems like an opportunity to build the specific skills I want to be learning in my career, while working in the industry I’m most interested in.” And in case you’re still not convinced about how important this step is, it’s also going to help you answer a variety of other questions, including: Next, try to find the overlaps between your background and their needs. Hiring managers will bring this up to give you another opportunity to explain why you’re the best candidate for them. What would they find most useful or helpful, based on their company and job posting? You’ll see this tactic used in the full sample answers coming up in the next section. Think of everything from their point of view. Explanation: When you don’t have a lot of experience in the industry you are applying to, you can use skills you learned while volunteering or in other aspects of your life to demonstrate how you are the best fit for this position. Your answer should focus on these three aspects: 1. First, I have all the skills and experience needed to perform the job. “Why are you the best person for the position?” isn’t a trick question – but it is an interview question that trips a lot of people up. Finally, it indicates that you’re interested in that specific opportunity as opposed to other similar roles. “Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. To stand out even further, you can end your response with a question directed back at them. I’m looking to find a role that will let me get back to the direct customer interaction that I enjoy so much. Copyright © 2020 Career Sidekick, LLC | Privacy | Disclaimer, Answers to “Why Are You the Best Candidate for This Position?”, What is an IT Job? 2. What are the top tasks/activities you’ll be doing in this role? Use your answer to explain why you are particularly passionate and drawn to the work the organization is doing and how that drive sets you apart from other candidates. For a strong answer to the question, What makes you qualified for this position try something similar to this: You can see from my resume that I have over five years of experience in this field, but what might not be clear from my resume is the influence I … Why they’re really asking: Well, they want to give you a chance to convince them why you are a good “fit” even though they may already have formed an opinion. Then, listen to how you sound and make adjustments. Sell yourselfas a good match. Sometimes, hiring managers may ask this question in a different form. Share Your Skill Set: Be prepared to discuss your clinical skill set, as well as your personal qualities, that make you qualified for the job. Your first reason should always show fit in terms of professional skills.. Hiring managers will bring this up to give you another opportunity to explain why you’re the best candidate for them. It’s been an industry that I’ve wanted to get into since I began my career, so I’m also highly-motivated and excited to do this work for your firm. [This example answer shows: relevance, knowledge of company goals] In each of these cases remember to explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for the job. That’s actually the wrong approach to answering this query. The biggest takeaway is that doing your homework to convince your interviewer you’re the right fit for the position goes hand-in-hand with figuring out if the position’s the right fit for you. Your answer should address the skills and experience you offer and why you’re a good culture fit. You should not refer to the past in your answer. Employers often ask this question to gauge whether you are someone who enjoys your job and wants to perform well on the job. Why they’re really asking: Well, they want to give you a chance to convince them why you are a good “fit” even though they may already have formed an opinion. Look at your recent work, your education, and everything else you bring to the table. Be specific about why you’re a good fit. I firmly believe in taking a collaborative approach to each project so when I saw a position with your … Interviewers like to know that you’re interested in the position and company for reasons beyond benefits and a paycheck. In my last role, I managed an average of 20 accounts each month, which involved responding to 10-50 emails and voicemails per day, so I’m very comfortable handling a high-volume, high-pressure role like this. Try to emphasize your unique skills and tell the interviewer how you are going to be helpful for the company. To close the deal on a job offer, you MUST be prepared with a concise summary of the top reasons to choose you. Sell yourselfas a good match. Tell how your abilities, skills, and experience are going to fulfill the job requirements. In your answer, highlight a few of the abilities that qualify you for the job and include successful examples from your previous jobs. The secret to giving a strong answer is demonstrating that you’ve done your homeworkand that you have a pretty good idea of who the company is. To say that you want to be a receptionist because your field of study was related to the job, or because you had the same occupation in the past, would indicate a must. So study the job description. Second, I have worked for several organizations that have IT infrastructures similar to yours. In my entire teaching experience, I have seen so many students who have different psychologies, so I know how to deliver a perfect class so that every student in the classroom can under stand the subject. To prepare your answer, make a list of the requirements of the job (as explained in the job listing), and then note which requirements fit your skills and experience. Be specific about why you’re a good fit. My favorite way to practice: Record yourself talking into your smartphone (every smartphone should have a voice recorder app). It's a question about how closely you've looked into your possible next job. "I feel that I am the strongest candidate for the job because I bring everything that you are looking for in your next employee. 6. So along with bringing the hard-skills that you’re looking for in the job description – like customer service experience and the ability to supervise a team – you won’t find someone as excited and passionate about the brand as I am.”. I have been on … That’s the impression I gathered from the job description.”. You possess skills that are unique, and likely unteachable, which makes you an above average candidate. “I noticed the job description emphasizes the need for someone who can work under pressure and manage many accounts at the same time. However, you have to really think about what sets you apart from the competition and explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job. Though most people apply for a job with various companies, and do not have a favorite place for work, you should try to convince the interviewers that their company is your first choice, your favorite place.. Compliment them for the work their do, tell them why they are special.Help them to feel good about their work, help them to feel good in an interview with you… Every interviewer asks this to gather information about you. [This example answer shows: relevance, knowledge of company goals] In each of these cases remember to explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for the job. That’s what they care about most, and what you need to be ready to show you’re ready for. I’m pretty confident that I … The question "What makes you a good fit for this job?" Always be truthful, the worst that can happen is you’ll not get the job but that’s okay. Sample answer: I can’t speak for the other candidates but I know why I’d be a great fit for this job. So every job seeker needs to prepare well to answer this question. First, you can’t possibly give a good answer without knowing what their job involves, and what their company does. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially. I have also got the best teacher award from our state government. Why Should We Hire You - Example #6 Explain why you’re a great fit for the job requirements; Show them why you’re excited about this type of work and will be motivated and enthusiastic in the role; I’ll explain each piece below. Make sure your answer is clear, direct, and concise (I recommend 60 seconds or less). 3. Step 1: Show them you’ve researched the job and know what it involves I’m pretty confident that I … Being a good “fit” for a position means, of course, having the ability and experience to carry out the job duties, but it also means having the right combination of soft skills, character traits, and career goals that align with the mission and values of the organization and fits in well within the existing company culture. In this article, I’m going to share how to respond to this question – including what to say, what NOT to say, and word-for-word example answers so that you’ll be confident and ready to answer in your next job interview. Your answer should show that you took the time to thoroughly read the job description and reflected on whether the position was honestly a good fit for you now and in the future. Who are their users/customers? So whenever you are going to attend an interview then you can definitely expect this question that why are you the best candidate for this position? The questions you will be asked during an interview for a job in sales, like “What makes you a good salesperson?” will be used to evaluate your skills and experience in that capacity. Example: “My favorite part of being a medical assistant is working with different patients who come into the office. To help you sound confident and avoid mistakes, you should practice your answer at home before the interview. “I am sure that my educational background and my Five years of experience in dealing with customers will definitely suitable for this job. To ensure you are the right fit for a job, an employer may ask you to include a cover letter with your application explaining why you want the job. With my personable attitude and relevant technical background, I am confident that I would fit perfectly in this position you are offering. Despite the fact that they have asked you to say why the role is right for you, what they really mean is why you are right for them and the job. Example 3: Social worker “You should hire me for this position because of my proven ability to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with several clients. Simply explain what you like, and tell why you find these responsibilities to be rewarding. I can confidently carry out the task mentioned in your job description. Was my analysis correct in terms of what you’re looking for in this role?”, Or, you could say, “Am I right in thinking that your priorities for this role are ___ and ____? This isn’t 100% required, but it’s a great way to turn the interview into a back-and-forth conversation and set yourself apart from most job seekers, who just answer each question and then wait for the next one (that’s not the most impressive approach). Be specific about what makes you a good fit for this role. Get our free PDF with the top 30 interview questions to practice. It sounds like organization and multi-tasking are vital. When the interviewer asks, “Why are you the best candidate for this position?” they’re looking for a couple of things: And they want to see evidence that you understand their job and have relevant skills that will help you succeed in the role. … How do they make money? Sample Answer. By preparing an honest, informative answer, you can help the employer recognize the valuable assets you’ll bring to their organization. Example answer #2: “I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I have direct experience in many areas mentioned in the job description, including customer service and project leadership. Example: “I would be a good fit in this role, as I’ve been in … For me, teaching is not a profession it is my passion.”. The same question will be asked in different ways by the interviewer, they are like why do you believe you are suitable for this rule or why should we hire you over other candidate or simply why should we hire you. 2. Example 3: Social worker “You should hire me for this position because of my proven ability to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with several clients. However, you should run through your answer a few times to make sure you’re hitting the key ideas you want to talk about when they ask, “why are you the best person for this job?”. Try to emphasize your unique skills and tell the interviewer how you are going to be helpful for the company. Showing that you understand the job. This is a good rule of thumb to follow when answering most interview questions, not just ‘why do you want this job.’ Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Your answer should address the skills and experience you offer and why you’re a good culture fit. Explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job. But beyond the product, salespeople can be motivated by other factors, too. What did they mention first? That’s going to set you up to give a much better answer to questions like, “Why are you the best candidate for the job?”. Also consider what sets you apart from other candidates and why you’ll perform well in this role. They probably don’t realise this; in all innocence, they have phrased their ad copy in the subjective way in which they might view a recruitment ad they themselves would respond to. To prepare your answer, make a list of the requirements of the job (as explained in the job listing), and then note which requirements fit your skills and experience. Tell how your abilities, skills, and experience are going to fulfill the job requirements. Example 1: I am passionate about the company’s mission. To say that you want to be a receptionist because your field of study was related to the job, or because you had the same occupation in the past, would indicate a must. Don’t compare your self with other candidates who have attended the interview. That sample answer shows a lot more personality and tells a bit about yourself outside of work. Sample answers 1: I believe that my knowledge, attribute, skills, working experience, and inspiration that the position required makes me suitable candidate for this post. Here are other examples: "Why are you a good fit for this job?" I have been on … What’s their general goal/mission? Finally, end your answer with a question directed back at them and you can turn the interview into a back-and-forth conversation to show confidence and make them view you more like a colleague (and therefore someone they should hire!). "There are several reasons I believe I am the best candidate for this role. “Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. While you don’t know what other job seekers bring to the table, you can stand out by showing that you’ve researched the job and company, and by highlighting the specific skills/experiences in your background that will help you step into their job and succeed. I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this production assistant position. The secret to giving a strong answer is demonstrating that you’ve done your homeworkand that you have a pretty good idea of who the company is. What did you see in my background that made you invite me for the interview? You’ll be an asset to the company and a perfect fit for the team. I consider myself a committed team player who also relishes challenges and readily assumes responsibility and accountability in a personal performance role where … You should show them your desire to have this job–and not a must. I consider myself a committed team player who also relishes challenges and readily assumes responsibility and accountability in a personal performance role where … How to Answer "What Interests You Most About This Sales Position?” If your prospective employer's products or goals don't get you fired up and motivated to sell, then you're likely not a good fit for the job. Though most people apply for a job with various companies, and do not have a favorite place for work, you should try to convince the interviewers that their company is your first choice, your favorite place.. Compliment them for the work their do, tell them why they are special.Help them to feel good about their work, help them to feel good in an interview with you… Was my analysis correct in terms of what you’re looking for in this role?”, “I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I have direct experience in many areas mentioned in the job description, including customer service and project leadership. You don’t need to rehearse an answer word-for-word, in fact, I recommend you don’t. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Recommendation letter for employee from manager, Why Are You A Good Fit For This Position Examples, Why Are You Suitable For This Job Sample Answer, Recommendation Letter For Employee From Manager, EPF International Workers Complete Guide, PF Withdrawal Procedure & Certificate Of Coverage(COC), Condolence Message to Employee on Death of Father. That’s the impression I gathered from the job description.”. This can both help them understand whether you are a good fit for the role and if it fits into your larger goals. Example #10. Conclusion and next steps. Explain why you’re a great fit for the job requirements; Show them why you’re excited about this type of work and will be motivated and enthusiastic in the role; I’ll explain each piece below. What did they mention most often? I firmly believe in taking a collaborative approach to each project so when I saw a position with your … When you’re answering the question, be specific. Your first reason should always show fit in terms of professional skills.. All of your reasons should go in your letter, which should also reveal your qualifications for the position. The best way to decide this is based on their job description. Avoid answers that emphasize why you want the job.Instead, focus on how you can add value to the company. So if you can address one or two of those top areas, you’ll have a great answer to this question. Be honest and keep the answer short. Be convincing. How to Calculate Basic Salary from CTC in India, How to Update or Edit Family Details in ESIC Portal Online, Can Recruiter Become HR Generalist: How to Do it in a Better Way, How to Change the Date of Joining in EPF by Employer Online, OTP Flooding Error in PF Withdrawal [Solution], How to Get HR Generalist Job as a Fresher. Example: “I would be a good fit in this role, as I’ve been in … Be specific about what makes you a good fit for this role. what you can do for the employer, and not the other way around. Join 10,000+ job seekers in our email newsletter and we'll send you the 30 must-know questions, plus our best insider tips for turning interviews into job offers. You should answer this question in 30 seconds to 1 minute time. I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this production assistant position. How To Answer The Question Why Are You A Good Fit For This Position: You should answer this question in 30 seconds to 1 minute time. Showing that you understand the job. … Also, I’m passionate about the software industry. You should have a list of your nursing skills with you, preferably on a copy of your resume. But if you don’t have a specific passion and excitement for the employer’s brand or industry, don’t fake it. What are the top skills they require or want? The interviewer may ask you to provide examples of situations where you applied those skills. It’s best to pick one or two key areas in which you think you’ll be able to contribute most in this role. When you’re asked to explain why you’re a good fit for a job, your first inclination is probably to launch into a litany of your best qualities and the experience that makes you ideal for the position. Is It Mandatory to Deduct PF from Salary More than 15000? Unique interview questions to ask an employer, How to pass an interview – tips and strategies, Signs your interview went well (or badly). This is a good rule of thumb to follow when answering most interview questions, not just ‘why do you want this job.’ Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . By combining the 3 pieces we talked about, you’ll have a great answer that clearly explains why you want their job or why you chose to apply for their position. This is what you should draw their attention to when they ask why you’re the best candidate in the interview. You should not refer to the past in your answer. Example 1: I am passionate about the company’s mission. You are looking for a person who has good communication and team building skills, I will use all my leadership skills to build a good team and I will keep motivating them to achieve their targets set by the management.”, You may also like: Recommendation letter for employee from manager, Reason for firing an employee without cause, “In your job description, you have mentioned that you are looking for a person who has minimum 5 years of teaching experience. Your answer should focus on these three aspects: 1. (Full Guide with Salaries). Use your answer to explain why you are particularly passionate and drawn to the work the organization is doing and how that drive sets you apart from other candidates. You'll need to describe reasons using concrete examples illustrating how and why you are a good fit for the organization. With my personable attitude and relevant technical background, I am confident that I would fit perfectly in this position you are offering. You’ve told them what you’re looking for, you’ve told them why their job seems interesting, so now you just need to conclude by saying something like, “So that’s why I applied for this job – it seems like an opportunity to build the specific skills I want to be learning in … In such cases, your objective is to prove to the hiring manager why you are a valuable candidate for the job. The basic and important question asked by an interviewer is “ Why Are You A Good Fit For This Position Examples ?”, or “why are you fit for this position?” And obviously one needs the best answer to this question. To prepare for this kind of answer, make sure you have some knowledge about the company ahead of time. Also, I’m passionate about the software industry. In some cases, that’s fine. is not a question about your best qualities. That’s what they care most about, and what they need help with. “In my career, I am sure of one thing and that is I want to build a decent career in my current domain. Step 3: Practice Once you feel pretty good about the points you want to make, it’s time to practice. By presenting someone vastly different from your true self, you may find yourself in a role that isn't a good fit for you. You are fit for the job and capable of delivering excellent results. To answer, select something you are genuinely passionate about, explain why you’re passionate about it, give examples of how you’ve pursued this passion and relate it back to the job. Here you can find some best why are you a good fit for this position examples. Step 1: Show them you’ve researched the job and know what it involves Use this opportunity to expand on relevant qualities that make you the best fit for the position. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Reasons beyond benefits and a perfect fit for the job requirements benefits and a paycheck help you sound confident avoid! 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