Abbreviated school days combined with student and teacher poverty has resulted in poor education in Nicaragua. We cultivate leading experts who share insight, research, and data with the development community. Long-term difficulties in education. The situation is most critical in Nicaragua, where this proportion rises to 8% and in Guatemala and Honduras, where more than 4% of the boys and girls are out of school. ... Statistics on " Nicaragua" ... by education; Unemployment rate in … In Nicaragua, only 29% of children complete primary school. A standard … Finnish rock star and UNICEF National Ambassador Jyrki Linnankivi visits Nicaragua to meet victims of trafficking. Education in Nicaragua Despite significant progress, such as the reduction to 5% of the adult population’s illiteracy rate and the increase of net primary enrollment rates, Nicaragua faces various challenges in the education sector. The Nicaragua CPF is based on three vital objectives: 1. Guatemala. Please note that the data for all countries is in the process of being updated. Higher education Overview. Science, Technology and Innovation. EdStats (Education Statistics) provides data and analysis on a wide range of education topics such as access, quality, learning outcomes, teachers, education expenditures, and education equality. Education in Nicaragua You are here: Countries / Nicaragua During the Somoza family reign of 42-and-a-half years, the educational system in Nicaragua was one of the worst in the world. data, Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2008-2012*, survey data, Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male, Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female, Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male, Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female, Population annual growth rate (%), 1990-2012, Population annual growth rate (%), 2012-2030, Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1990-2012, Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 2012-2030, GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970-1990, GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990-2012, Average annual rate of inflation (%) 1990-2012, Population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (%) 2007-2011*, Public spending as a % of GDP (2007-2011*) allocated to: health, Public spending as a % of GDP (2008-2010*) allocated to: education, Public spending as a % of GDP (2008-2010*) allocated to: military, Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services 2010, Share of household income (%, 2007-2011*), poorest 40%, Share of household income (%, 2007-2011*), richest 20%, Life expectancy: females as a % of males 2012, Adult literacy rate: females as a % of males 2008-2012*, Enrolment ratios: females as a % of males 2008-2012*, Primary GER, Enrolment ratios: females as a % of males 2008-2012*, Secondary GER, Survival rate to the last grade of primary: females as a % of males 2008-2012*, Antenatal care (%) 2008-2012*, At least one visit, Antenatal care (%) 2008-2012*, At least four visits, Delivery care (%) 2008-2012*, Skilled attendant at birth, Delivery care (%) 2008-2012*, Institutional delivery, Maternal mortality ratio , 2008-2012*, Reported, Maternal mortality ratio , 2010, Adjusted, Maternal mortality ratio , 2010, Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in:), Child marriage (%) 2002-2012*, married by 15, Child marriage (%) 2002-2012*, married by 18, Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2012*, prevalence, women a, Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2012*, prevalence, daughtersb, Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2012*, attitudes, support for the practicec, Justification of wife-beating (%) 2002-2012*, male, Justification of wife-beating (%) 2002-2012*, female, Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2012*, total, Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2012*, male, Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2012*, female, Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1970-1990, Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1990-2000, Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 2000-2012, Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1990-2012, Average annual rate of reduction (%) Total fertility rate, 1970-1990, Average annual rate of reduction (%) Total fertility rate, 1990-2012, Population aged 10-19, Proportion of total population (%) 2012, Adolescents currently married/ in union (%) 2002-2012* , male, Adolescents currently married/ in union (%) 2002-2012* , female, Justification of wife-beating among adolescents (%) 2002-2012*, male, Justification of wife-beating among adolescents (%) 2002-2012*, female, Use of mass media among adolescents (%) 2002-2012*, male, Use of mass media among adolescents (%) 2002-2012*, female, Lower secondary school gross enrolment ratio 2008-2012*, Upper secondary school gross enrolment ratio 2008-2012*, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents (%) 2008-2012*, male, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents (%) 2008-2012*, female, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, urban, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, rural, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, ratio of urban to rural, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, urban, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, rural, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of urban to rural, Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2008-2012*, urban, Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2008-2012*, rural, Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of rural to urban, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, urban, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, rural, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of urban to rural, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, urban, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, rural, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, ratio of urban to rural, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, urban, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, rural, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, ratio of urban to rural, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, urban, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, rural, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, ratio of urban to rural, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, poorest 20%, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, richest 20%, Birth registration (%) 2005-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of poorest to richest, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2008-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Primary school net attendance ratio 2008-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2008-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2008-2012*, poorest 20%, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2008-2012*, richest 20%, Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2008-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest, Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2012*, total, Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2012*, male, Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2012*, female, Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2012*, poorest 20%, Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2012*, richest 20%, Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, total, Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, male, Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, female, Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, poorest 20%, Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, richest 20%, Father's support for learning ++ 2005-2012*, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Children's books , total, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Children's books , poorest 20%, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Children's books , richest 20%, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Playthings ++, total, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Playthings ++, poorest 20%, Learning materials at home 2005-2012*, Playthings ++, richest 20%, Children left in inadequate care 2005-2012*, total, Children left in inadequate care 2005-2012*, male, Children left in inadequate care 2005-2012*, female, Children left in inadequate care 2005-2012*, poorest 20%, Children left in inadequate care 2005-2012*, richest 20%. Nicaragua literacy rate for 2005 was 78.00%, a 1.33% increase from 2001. During secondary school the rate of … Population with at least some secondary education (% ages 25 and older) n.a. Nicaragua, one of the world’s poorest countries, has made the most progress in narrowing its gender gap over the past 10 years, according to a World Economic Forum report released Nov. 19. General Information. The higher education system. Using the 2017 population of … Opportunity Nicaragua started Emprendedora Technical School in 2012 to provide relevant education to rural youth, training students in hospitality, agriculture, and English, to help them develop marketable skills for their future. of under-5 deaths (thousands) 2012, Primary school net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, Early initiation of breastfeeding (%), 2008-2012*, Exclusive breastfeeding <6 months (%), 2008-2012*, Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods 6-8 months (%), 2008-2012*, Underweight (%) 2008-2012*, moderate & severe, Stunting (%) 2008-2012*, moderate & severe, Wasting (%) 2008-2012*, moderate & severe, Overweight (%) 2008-2012*, moderate & severe, Vitamin A supplementation full coverage (%) 2012, Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2011, total, Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2011, urban, Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2011, rural, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2011, total, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2011, urban, Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2011, rural, Routine EPI vaccines financed by government (%) 2012, Immunization coverage (%) 2012, Newborns protected against tetanus, Pneumonia (%) 2008-2012*, Care seeking for suspected pneumonia, Pneumonia (%) 2008-2012*, Antibiotic treatment for suspected pneumonia, Diarrhoea (%) 2008-2012*, Treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS), Malaria (%) 2008-2012*, Antimalarial treatment among febrile children, Malaria (%) 2008-2012*, Children sleeping under ITNs, Malaria (%) 2008-2012*, Households with at least one ITN, People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2012, estimate, People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2012, low, People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2012, high, Children living with HIV (thousands) 2012, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2012, total, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2012, male, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2012, female, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) 2008-2012*, male, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) 2008-2012*, female, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Condom use among young people with multiple partners (%) 2008-2012*, male, Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Condom use among young people with multiple partners (%) 2008-2012*, female, Orphans, Children orphaned by AIDS (thousands) 2012, Orphans, Children orphaned due to all causes (thousands) 2012, Orphans, Orphan school attendance ratio (%), 2008-2012*, Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2008-2012*, male, Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2008-2012*, female, Number per 100 population 2012, mobile phones, Number per 100 population 2012, Internet users, Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2012*, male, Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2012*, female, Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male, Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female, Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male, Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female, Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male, Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female, Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2008-2012*, admin. Textiles and agriculture combined account for nearly 50% of Nicaragua's exports. Education. However facilities are inaccessible to tribes in remote areas where it is still customary for children to work for their parents from a young age. Nicaragua became a part of the Central American Federation in 1821 and declared its independence from Spain.It left the Federation in 1838 for full independence. Central America. download all data tables by thematic area [PDF]. † Determined by national law or regulation as hazardous and, as such, relevant to Article 3(d) of ILO C. 182. ‡ Child labor understood as the worst forms of child labor per se under Article 3(a)–(c) of ILO C. 182.. Information about the prevalence of child labor in Nicaragua is limited because the last known national survey on child labor was published in 2012.